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Better Parenting Workshop

Better Parenting Workshop

IASH SOUND Healing & Meditation is the tool that helps to harmonize the modern times with ancient wisdom and values so that roots and wings go together.

Meditation grooms the mind to be positive. As a result peace reigns and we are able to focus on the growing needs of the child.

SOUND Meditation grooms the mind to be positive.

SOUND Meditation helps us to resolve our own conflicts and mindsets. Our thought quality improves like never before. Meditators are so much in harmony that they think good and goodness manifests in their lives. Bad times look like challenges and a meditative state gives great solutions.

SOUND Meditation keeps the mind in tune with changing time and this is the greatest challenge with our children. Generation gap is not a myth but with meditation we stay tuned to our children by listening to their point of view, being objective and striving together by accepting disagreements and working amicably on areas of agreement. There is no deadlock.

Meditating parents contribute in building a positive environment. The moment the young adults step into our shoes, we know that we need to let them be. We realize that they are individuals in their own right. All these aspects come smoothly through meditation otherwise we all know the story of brick bats and the blame game.

Let us see how SOUND meditation can help each one of you through all phases of parenting.

# 1 The New Born

The new born baby either  sleeps or cries to communicate. Here as parents we need to have intuitive skills that comes naturally with SOUND meditation. Meditation helps you to be doubly patient and harness your inner voice. Yes! Ones intuitive skill helps to understand the little baby. Our response to a baby’s wails in the middle of the night sets us apart from other parents.

A parent who meditates is fresh and calmly lifts up the baby and soothes his woes. From hunger to tummy ache or just the wet nappy…every thing is taken care of. The vibration that reaches the baby reassures and soothes. The baby sleeps again. Perfect two way communication where words were not heard but vibes were felt.

At the same time SOUND meditation gives deep rest to the parents to enable them to stay fresh, happy and peaceful all day and at night too. Meditation keeps stress at bay and manages tiredness with ease. As a result even working parents find the energy levels to play and charm the little one later in the day.

#2 Crawling Jets

Toddlers can justly be called crawling jets. Thanks to the Almighty that they cannot fly! Yes! We are talking about toddlers who find their way into bathrooms, balconies, hiding places in or around the house. They have a high energy quotient and with a war cry they are at their mischievous best. Like a bull they just, ‘want it’, ‘take it’ or else ‘grab it.’ They want to do it all by themselves. Gosh! They are like little rockets taking off just like that and making holes in your sanity. They throw tantrums and can be stubborn up to the hilt.

Ah! But SOUND meditation helps parents by giving them extra energy, patience and a happy and calm persona. They have the patience to understand the cry to be independent and also have the ability to distract the child with laughter or a noise to charm the child away from the tantrum.  A friend would whisper sweet nothings into his 9 month old toddler who would stop wailing and smile. Like this he was weaned away from an otherwise progressive problem of putting up a tantrum every now and then.

SOUND Meditation helps parents by giving them extra energy, patience and a happy and calm persona.

#3 Pre-teens – the lovely pubescent

Ah! This age group is still small but wish to be treated with dignity. We hurt them the moment we tell them , ‘don’t tell lies’, ‘behave yourself’, or ‘just listen to me.’ Actually this is the time when they want listeners and friends in their parents. SOUND Meditation helps at this stage to shed the authoritative robe and step into their shoes to see where it pinches and when it soothes. Meditation makes parents sensitive as well as intuitive to sequence helpful ways i.e. spot changes, understand them and then handle them.  This is the time that meditation helps coordinate a favorable environment and balances the change by sticking to roots but allowing to spread wings.

Just 20 minutes of SOUND meditation can change your perspective towards your child. This is the time when one can double the harmony by introducing spirituality and meditation to children through IASH  SOUND Meditation programs that balance out children and help them to step into this world with knowledge,  awareness, and confidence. Meditation gives your child the skills to deal with peer pressure with his or her confidence, harness creative skills, be fearless while expressing and gaining focus and the ability to concentrate. What more can a parent ask for?

#4 Young Adults

At this stage, our young ones are being prepared to grow up into adults. Hormone play begins as nature prepares them for their flight into the sky. This is the most taxing period for parents and utterly crucial for the young adults. This is the time when they want to be treated like adults but parents hold on tight signaling the opposite.

Meditation helps here with the law of harmony. It helps them to understand that its time to give responsibilities to make them feel like adults. Meditation helps us to turn inward to find answers and solutions. From quarreling geese to thick pals…the journey is smooth if parents meditate. Here again, if adolescents also meditate then the journey is one of blossoming to become bigger and better.

SOUND Meditation helps us to turn inward to find answers and solutions.

Meditating together gives us a silent platform to bond so beautifully. We are there for each other like strong pillars of strength. Just 20 minutes help you to strengthen yourself, energize the environment and those around. Meditating parents know the strength of meditation and are able to guide their children to as they grow up. If meditation makes parents approachable and understanding then it makes children sensitive, focused and balanced. It’s a win-win situation for all.

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